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 Christmas Decorative Tablecloth D265  Christmas Decorative Tablecloth D265  Christmas Decorative Tablecloth D265

Christmas Decorative Tablecloth D265, 140X140, XMAS

MSP: 10
40% off
Προσθήκη στο Καλάθι

<p>Christmas tablecloth D265 140x140 with earthy tones and subtle checkered background behind the red and white patterns.The perfect solution for seasonal decorating and practical for everyday use during the holiday season.</p>

<p> - Textile Material: 100% polyester<br> - Dimension: 140x140 cm<br> - Pattern: Beige with Christmas designs</p> <p>MACHINE WASH MAX. 40ºC<br> DO NOT BLEACH<br> DO NOT TUMBLE DRY<br> DO NOT IRON<br> DO NOT DRY CLEAN </p>

Τα αποθέματα μπορεί να μεταβληθούν εξαιρετικά γρήγορα. Αυτή η αναζήτηση εμφανίζει τη διαθεσιμότητα ανά κατάστημα, αλλά δεν αποτελεί εγγύηση ότι το προϊόν θα υπάρχει για πολύ.

{ "type": "productViewed", "payload" : { "products": [{ "id": "002488", "sku": "5202006743737", "name": "Christmas Decorative Tablecloth D265", "price": "6", "brand": "Bed and Bath", "variant": "", "category": "BED AND BATH", "dimension10" : "", "dimension11" : "", "dimension12": " | ", "dimension13": "", "dimension14": "002488 . ", "dimension15": "5202006743737", "dimension16": " 10 ", "dimension17": "indirimli" , "dimension18": "standart", "dimension19": "", "dimension20": "", "dimension30": "74" }] } }

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